Florida Balm

Florida Gardening Tips!

Florida Gardening Tips for growing herbs, fruits and vegetables, attracting butterflies, using small backyard spaces more creatively, how to avoid common pests in Florida and more!

If you plan to start seeds indoors, or grow herbs in a countertop greenhouse, climate won’t matter much. 

But IF you plan to start a garden or grow some food in your backyard or on a patio or balcony, the climate of where you live is very important! 

You’ll want to choose to grow plants that WANT to grow where you live!

Where is YOUR Garden?

If you’re planning on buying seeds to grow your own food, or start a butterfly garden, it is essential to buy seeds for the zone you live in

The plant hardiness zones in Florida are your best guide for what plants will grow successfully in the climate you live in.

It’s important to note that many vegetables and fruits that grow in South Florida won’t grow well in North Florida and vice versa.

3 Vegetables that Grow Most Anywhere in Florida

Here are 3 vegetables that grow well throughout most of Florida, regardless of specific location. Okay, yes… tomatoes are technically a fruit, we know. BUT these three together make a great salad!

These 3 vegetables are pretty easy to grow (make sure to choose the best varieties for your hardiness zone #!) AND grow well in smaller spaces or in containers (easy!).

  • Tomato: A staple in many vegetable gardens, tomatoes grow well in Florida if you choose the right variety. Opt for heat-resistant, disease-resistant varieties like ‘Celebrity’ or ‘Everglades’ though there are lots more to try! Tomatoes need plenty of sun and support as they grow. There are tomato varieties that will grow anywhere on Earth, so experiment and find the ones that grow best in YOUR backyard!


  • Pepper: Bell peppers, chili peppers, and even ornamental peppers thrive in Florida’s sunshine. They come in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and spice levels, so you can find one to suit your taste. Peppers prefer well-drained soil and plenty of sun.

  • Swiss Chard: This leafy green is a low-maintenance option for Florida gardeners. It tolerates heat well and can be harvested multiple times throughout the season. Swiss chard comes in vibrant green and red varieties and adds a mild, slightly bitter flavor to dishes.

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