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Photo of a florida manatee for funny manatee facts

Funny Manatee Facts

Funny manatee facts because… everyone loves manatees! They are the gentle giants of the sea, and are quite fascinating and often misunderstood. We’ve got plenty of manatee facts, and they’re funny! And we also have some great information on where to see manatees in Florida and manatee gifts.

What Do Manatees Do for Half of their Lives?

Manatees apparently LOVE TO SLEEP! When it comes to sleeping, manatees take relaxation to a whole new level. They can sleep up to 12 hours a day, often floating near the surface with their noses just poking out of the water. They are masters at aquatic napping, and most likely that’s what they’re doing when you see them!

But since their natural habitats include crystal clear spring water in Florida, who wouldn’t want to live like that! Nap while floating along nature’s lazy rivers… imagine, humans pay for that experience!

Most Common Manatee Nickname?

Manatees have garnered quite a few amusing nicknames over the years. Why? Manatees are unique to very few habitats all around the world, which means most people have never seen one in real life. 

So what do people (and especially kids) who don’t know what a manatee is, call them?

  • Floaty Potato!
  • Sea Cow!
  • Sea Pancake!

These gentle giants have certainly inspired some creative monikers. Perhaps it’s their resemblance to oversized pancakes or their serene grazing habits that earned them these amusing titles.

Sea Cow is the most common nickname for manatees.

But did you know? It’s often theorized that manatee sightings were often confused for mermaids! That’s right… sailors who saw manatees out in the ocean hundreds of years ago likely saw a manatee instead! At least that’s what some historians try to tell us…  : )

Manatee fun facts

Human Interactions with Manatees

Despite their peaceful nature, manatees have found themselves in some rather comical situations with humans. From accidently photobombing selfies, to scaring an unsuspecting paddler with their curiosity… these peaceful, gentle giants are surely a gift from God. 

Those Ginormous Manatees Eat What?

Manatees are strictly herbivores, grazing on aquatic plants most of the time they’re awake. As big as they are, imagine how much vegetation they need to eat! They have specialized, bristle-like teeth which makes munching on these aquatic plants easy for them. They love Florida rivers because there’s an abundance of food for them to eat, and their biggest threats don’t pose as great as risk to them as in the ocean. What’s the manatee’s greatest threat? Humans and their boats!

Manatees and Mating

When it comes to romance, manatees rock! Their courtship ritual amazing and if you’re lucky enough to see it, you’ll never forget. During mating season, male manatees compete for the attention of the females. In order to do this, they perform elaborate underwater “ballets” with twists, spins and sumersaults… like romantic synchronized choreography underwater.


From their amusing nicknames to their quirky habits, manatees never fail to bring a smile to our faces. They deserve our respect and appreciation, as they bring nothing but amusement and love to all those who are lucky enough to see them in the wild.

If you get the chance, take a day trip to a Florida river or spring, or in the mangroves. Manatees are amazing creatures, and you’re sure to love them even more once you see their true size and gentleness up close. See them in their natural habitat and create some funny manatee facts of your own!