Florida Balm

mango festival in Florida

Mango Season in Florida: 12 Ways to Enjoy 2024!

Mango season in Florida is a magical time for fruit enthusiasts and anyone who loves a taste of the tropics. 

This peak season, spanning June, July, and August, offers a golden opportunity to savor fresh delicious mangoes plus a chance to add additional mango fun!

12 Ways to Enjoy the 2024 Mango Season in Florida:

Whether you’re a local or planning a visit, here are twelve fantastic ways to immerse yourself in the mango experience in 2024!

PLUS we have a 13th bonus idea we think you may love…!

Did you know?

June is National Mango Month

and July 22nd, 2024 is National Mango Day!

1. Attend a Local Mango Festival or Event!

Florida’s mango festivals are vibrant celebrations of this beloved fruit. Most events are held from mid-June to the end of July, featuring everything from mango tastings and cooking demonstrations to live music, seminars, food trucks and family-friendly activities. 

Some of the most popular annual events include:

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2. Visit a Mango Farm!

There’s nothing quite like the taste of a freshly picked mango. Visiting a mango farm gives you the chance to buy the most fresh mangos, choosing from lots of different varieties. 

  • Tropical Acres Farms (West Palm Beach): This farm specializes in mango trees and offers over 300 varieties! They sell fruit trees AND mangoes when in season. They currently don’t ship, but you can order and then pick up a big box of mixed variety mangoes (fun!). Visit their website for more information: Tropical Acres Farms.

  •  Truly Tropical (Delray Beach): Small family farm specializing in growing 50 varieties of mangoes. Great website where you can shop for mangos and have them shipped to you, or pick them up at their farm. They also sell mango scions so you can plant the variety of your choice. They also offer tours sometimes, just ask them when’s the next on! Visit their website for more information here: The Mango Place.

  • Nick’s Island Tropical Fruit (Merritt Island): A working fruit orchard specializing in tropical fruit like mango, avocado, lychee, starfruit, more! They open when they have fruit to sell, and mango season (usually beginning first week of June) is usually when they open to sell their delicious mangoes. Check out their website and join their email list so you can get notified when it’s time to go tropical fruit shopping on gorgeous Merritt Island! Nick’s Island Tropical Fruit
Valencia Pride mango tree and mangoes peak mango season July in Florida
Valencia Pride mangoes from my backyard mango tree in mid-July 2023

3. Discover Your Favorite Mango Variety!

With over 100 varieties of mangoes grown in Florida, there’s a flavor profile to suit every palate. How many varieties have you tried? Do you have a favorite?

Here are five most commonly grown mangoes in Florida and favorites to eat:

  1. Haden: Juicy and aromatic with a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity.
  2. Kent: Rich, sweet flavor with a smooth, buttery texture.
  3. Tommy Atkins: Firm and fibrous, ideal for slicing and adding to salads.
  4. Keitt: Sweet and tangy with minimal fiber, great for juicing.
  5. Palmer: Sweet and mild, perfect for those who prefer a less intense mango flavor.

4. Make This Easy Delicious Mango Smoothie Recipe!

Blend up a refreshing mango smoothie with this simple recipe:

  • 1 ripe mango, peeled and pitted
  • 1 cup of Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup of orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • A handful of ice cubes

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy a taste of Florida sunshine in every sip!

5. Watch Your Pets Enjoy Eating Mango

Most animals that live in Florida love mango, and that includes most pets! Many people ask if their pets can eat mango. Turns out, most not only can eat mango but LOVE TO EAT MANGO! 

Mango is high in Vitamins A, B, C and E making this a great snack. It’s smooth and cool and has a different texture to most other foods they eat, usually making it an extra happy treat for them! But keep the quantity limited as it’s high in natural sugars. 

Can dogs and cats eat mango?

Yes! And if they’ve never had it before, chances are they’re gonna love it! It might even be a funny experience, get the camera ready. A couple of small cubes or slices might make them very happy!

Can hamsters eat mango?

Yes! Hamsters can eat mango and most of them love it! Small bits of dried mango are usually inside many hamster foods already, but giving them a couple of small fresh mango pieces is the real treat.

Can hermit crabs eat mango?

Yes! Hermit crabs usually love fresh mango, and they’ll usually eat dehydrated or dried mango pieces as well. But make sure to remove any uneaten mango from their habitat within a few hours. Fresh, very moist fruit will begin to rot almost immediately. For great information on hermit crab pets, caring for hermit crabs and creating happier healthier hermit crab habitats see hermitcrabpets.com.

If you aren’t sure about feeding mango to your pet or want more information make sure to check with your veterinarian or reputable pet care specialist or a good website for best information. 

6. Grilled Mango for a Sweet Delicious Side Dish

Don’t limit mangoes to just desserts! Grilling brings out a whole new dimension of flavor in this tropical fruit. This caramelized sweetness makes it a perfect accompaniment to grilled fish, chicken, steak or even a summer salad.

Want to add mango seasoning? Chili pairs great with mango! Try sprinkling some chili lime salt or smoky paprika on mango slices before placing them on the grill!

7. Plant a Mango Tree or Graft a Scion!

Mango trees can grow very large, but there are also dwarf varieties (sometimes called “condo mangos”. Whether you have a huge backyard or a small sunny patio, make sure the spot you pick provides full sun.

And if you want a fun challenge, buy a scion of the mango variety you love and graft it yourself! It doesn’t need to be mango season in Florida to plant a mango tree of your own! And for the dwarf varieties, chances are they’ll start producing mangos for you in just 2-3 years!

8. Dehydrate Mangos for Sweet Snacks

Dehydrated mangos make for a convenient, healthy snack that’s perfect for road trips, boating, or school lunches. Dehydrating mangos are a great way to make use of extra mangos you may have during mango season in Florida, before they start going bad.

Simply slice the mangos thinly and dry them using a food dehydrator or your oven. These chewy, sweet treats are loved by kids, adults, and even pets!

9. Make an Easy No-Bake 6-Ingredient Mango Cream Pie Dessert

Here’s my favorite super easy and delicious no-bake mango cream pie recipe (that even I can make):

No-Bake Mango Cream Pie


  1. 1 (9-inch) graham cracker crust
  2. 2 ripe mangoes, peeled and sliced (about 2 cups)
  3. 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
  4. 1/4 cup sugar
  5. 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
  6. 1 (8-ounce) package whipped topping, thawed


  • In a blender, combine the sliced mangoes, lime juice, and sugar. Blend until smooth.
  • Pour the mango puree into the graham cracker crust.
  • Fold the whipped topping into the sweetened condensed milk until just combined.
  • Pour the whipped cream mixture over the mango layer.
  • Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or until set.


  • For a richer flavor, use full-fat coconut milk instead of half the whipped topping.
  • Top with 1-2 mango slices and a fresh mint leaf for an extra touch.
  • This recipe is easily doubled to serve a crowd.
  • Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

10. Eat at Mango Mangos in St. Augustine and Drive Onto the Beach

For a deliciously fun experience, eat at Mango Mangos in St. Augustine then go visit beautiful St. Augustine Beach down the street. 

This local favorite beachy restaurant offers a variety of fantastic mango-inspired dishes that are sure to delight. After your meal, take a leisurely stroll to the beach.

Or, pack up your car with a cooler and beach chairs, and order take-out from Mango Mangos! Take your lunch out and enjoy at on the beach!

11. Make this Super Easy Non- Alcoholic Mango Mojito Mocktail Recipe

This refreshing mocktail is  simple to make and perfect for a hot summer day (alternate cocktail version below).


  • 1 cup chilled club soda
  • 1/2 fresh lime, juiced (about 1 tablespoon)
  • 1/2 – 1 teaspoon granulated sugar (to taste)
  • Handful of fresh mint leaves
  • Fresh mango slices, for muddling and garnish
  • Splash of lime seltzer (optional)


  1. Gently Smash the Flavor: In a tall glass, use the back of a spoon to gently smash together a few mango slices and the mint leaves. Don’t worry about making a fine paste, just bruise them a bit to release their delicious flavors.
  2. Sweeten it Up: Add the lime juice and sugar to the glass. Stir until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Ice It Up: Fill the glass with crushed ice.
  4. Top it Off: Pour in the chilled club soda, leaving a little space at the rim. For extra fizz, add a splash of lime seltzer (optional).
  5. Fancy Finish: Garnish your mocktail with a couple of fresh mango slices and a sprig of mint.

Feeling Boozy? Make it a Cocktail!

Want to turn this mocktail into a delicious cocktail? Simply swap the club soda with 2 ounces of white rum for a classic mojito experience. Remember to enjoy responsibly!


  • Like it sweeter? Add more sugar to taste.
  • Want more fruit flavor? Add a splash of your favorite fruit juice (like pineapple or orange) for a twist.

Enjoy your refreshing and vibrant mango mocktail!

12. Share Some Mangos and Make People Smile!

Mangos are a fruit that brings joy to almost everyone. If you have a mango tree with an abundant harvest or pick up extras from a farm, consider sharing them with friends, neighbors, or even strangers. 

A simple gesture of sharing mangos can create connections and spread happiness.

Mango season in Florida is a fleeting but eagerly anticipated time of year. With just 1-2 months to enjoy these tropical delights, mango lovers make the most of the season through festivals, farm visits, and creative recipes. 

Some varieties produce their best harvests only every two years, making those mangos even more special when they arrive.

13. Savor some Florida-made Mango Wine!

Embrace the taste of Florida’s sunshine in another delicious way: mango wine! Several Florida wineries capture the essence of this tropical fruit in their unique blends. During mango season in Florida, mango wine becomes even more popular!

From the bubbly delight of the Mango Mamma mango wine at Florida Orange Groves Winery to the award-winning options like Schnebly Redland’s Winery Mango Wine made down in Homestead (Miami), there’s a perfect bottle waiting to be discovered.

Feeling adventurous? You can even try making your own mango wine at home! Fruit wine making kits are readily available and offer a fun, hands-on experience. Imagine enjoying a glass of your very own creation, made with fresh Florida mangoes.

And if you love wine or just want a fun new Florida-experience, consider visiting the Florida wineries! See my recent blog on 4 Best Florida Wineries in Florida to Visit in 2024!

FAQ on Enjoying Mango Season

Q: When is peak mango season in Florida? A: Peak Mango season in Florida is  typically mid-June to the end of July.

Q: Can I visit mango farms in Florida? A: Yes, many farms welcome visitors and offer fresh mangos for sale.

Q: What are some popular mango varieties in Florida? A: Popular varieties include Haden, Kent, Tommy Atkins, Keitt, and Palmer.

Q: Are mangos safe for pets? A: Yes, dogs, birds, hermit crabs, bearded dragons and most other small mammals can enjoy mangos in moderation. Always remove the pit and peel.

Q: How can I preserve mangos for later use? A: Dehydrating mangos is a great way to create a long-lasting snack. You can also freeze mango slices for smoothies and desserts.

Enjoy the abundance of mango season and all the delicious possibilities it brings!

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