Florida Balm

Florida blackberry season

When is Blackberry Season in Florida Plus U-Pick and Enjoy!

Blackberry season makes early summer sweeter! Blackberries are a native Florida fruit and a delightful summer treat, and there are so many ways to enjoy the season!

For those living in Florida near a blackberry farm, blackberry season is an exciting time to go pick fresh berries and enjoy them in a variety of ways. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the blackberry season in Florida, identify some U-pick farms to go visit, plus we’ve got some great recipes and ideas for using blackberries to make delicious cocktails, smoothies and snacks!

Florida Fun Fact: Did you know blackberries are actually native to the Sunshine State AND they’re considered a superfood! They are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Blackberry Season in Florida is EARLY SUMMER!

In Florida, the blackberry season typically runs from May to July, with peak harvest time in June. 

During this period, U-pick farms across Florida open their doors to visitors eager to pick their own fresh blackberries. 

Florida’s climate is ideal for growing blackberries, and the state is home to several native species. 

Blackberries grow in central and north Florida, but not in the south. There are thornless varieties and lots of farms where you can buy a bucket of blackberries, and sometimes even your own young blackberry bush. 

How do you know when Blackberries are Ripe to Pick?

Ripe blackberries are deep black, plump, and slightly soft to the touch. They should come off the stem easily when gently pulled. 

Unripe blackberries will be red or dark purple and will not be as sweet. 

It’s best to pick berries in the morning when they are cool and at their freshest. In the Florida summer mid-day heat, ripe blackberries will start to look like they’re melting!

U-Pick Blackberry Farms in Florida to Visit in May & June!

Before venturing out to a u-pick blackberry farm, plan for a successful and enjoyable experience! 

Early mornings are your best bet, as the berries are coolest and freshest, and many u-pick farms close once the afternoon heat hits.

Sunscreen, a hat, comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes are advised, and bring some gloves. Pack water to stay hydrated and consider bringing containers or bags specifically for picking blackberries. 

Sweet Berry Farms, LLC

  • Location: 4851 NE 190th Ave, Williston, FL 32696
  • Details: Offers several varieties of U-pick blackberries from April to June.
  • Website: Sweet Berry Farms

Starkey Farms

  • Location: 10730 Lake Blanche Drive, New Port Richey, FL
  • Details: This 45-acre farm offers U-pick blackberries and other fruits, with blackberry picking starting in early summer. They also serve blackberry lemonade, yum!
  • Website: Starkey Farms

Back Road Berries

  • Location: 13578 CR 103, Oxford, FL 34484
  • Details: Family-owned farm offering U-pick blackberries from late May through June.
  • Website: Back Road Berries

Ways to Enjoy Extra Blackberries

Ripe blackberries are sweet and delicious. If you have extra blackberries, consider dehydrating some into delicious snacks. 

Or make some delicious cocktails! We’ve also got a delightful smoothie and milkshake recipe!

So go out to a local u-pick farm, pick lots of fresh blackberries, and enjoy all the ways to make this blackberry season the most delicious one yet!

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Dehydrating Blackberries

Dehydrating blackberries is a great way to preserve them for later use. Simply wash and dry the berries, spread them on a dehydrator tray, and dry them at 135°F (57°C) for about 12-18 hours until they are fully dried.

Easy Blackberry Mojito Cocktail Recipe


  • 1/2 cup fresh blackberries (plus extra for garnish)
  • 10 fresh mint leaves (plus extra for garnish)
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons simple syrup
  • 2 ounces white rum
  • Club soda
  • Ice cubes


  1. Muddle blackberries and mint leaves in a glass.
  2. Add lime juice and simple syrup, then stir.
  3. Pour in white rum and stir gently.
  4. Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  5. Top off with club soda and garnish with blackberries and mint leaves.

Easy Blackberry Smoothie Recipe


  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blackberries
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)
  • A handful of ice cubes


  1. Blend blackberries, banana, Greek yogurt, orange juice, almond milk, and honey until smooth.
  2. Add ice cubes and blend again until thick and creamy.
  3. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Super Easy Homemade Chocolate Covered Blackberries

Here’s a simple and delicious recipe for homemade chocolate-covered blackberries. Perfect for a sweet treat, this recipe requires minimal ingredients and effort.

– 1 cup fresh blackberries
– 1 cup dark chocolate chips (or milk chocolate if preferred)
– 1 teaspoon coconut oil (optional, for a smoother chocolate coating)
– Optional toppings: crushed nuts, sea salt, shredded coconut


1. Prepare the Blackberries:
– Wash the blackberries thoroughly and pat them dry with a paper towel. Ensure they are completely dry to help the chocolate adhere better.

2. Melt the Chocolate:
– In a microwave-safe bowl, combine the chocolate chips and coconut oil (if using).
– Microwave in 30-second intervals, stirring after each interval, until the chocolate is completely melted and smooth.

3. Dip the Blackberries:
– Using a toothpick or fork, dip each blackberry into the melted chocolate, ensuring it is fully coated.
– Allow any excess chocolate to drip off before placing the coated blackberry on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

4. Add Toppings (Optional):
– If desired, sprinkle the chocolate-covered blackberries with crushed nuts, sea salt, or shredded coconut while the chocolate is still wet.

5. Set the Chocolate:
– Place the baking sheet in the refrigerator for about 15-20 minutes or until the chocolate has completely set.

6. Serve and Enjoy:
– Once the chocolate is set, the chocolate-covered blackberries are ready to be enjoyed. Serve immediately or store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a few days.

– Use high-quality chocolate for the best flavor.
– Ensure blackberries are dry before dipping to prevent the chocolate from seizing.
– Experiment with different types of chocolate (white, milk, dark) and toppings to find your favorite combination.

Nutritional Benefits:
– Blackberries: High in antioxidants, vitamins C and K, and fiber.
– Dark Chocolate: Contains antioxidants and can be heart-healthy in moderation.

This super easy homemade chocolate blackberries recipe is perfect for a quick dessert or a healthy snack, combining the tartness of blackberries with the richness of chocolate. Enjoy!

More Ideas for Enjoying Your Extra Blackberries!

  • Jam and Preserves: Make homemade blackberry jam to enjoy year-round.
  • Baking: Use blackberries in pies, muffins, and cobblers.
  • Salads: Add fresh blackberries to salads for a burst of flavor.
  • Freezing: Freeze blackberries to use in smoothies, desserts, and more.

Blackberry season in Florida is a wonderful time to enjoy fresh, locally-grown berries. Whether you visit a U-pick farm, make delicious recipes, or preserve them for later, blackberries are a versatile and nutritious addition to your kitchen. Happy picking and enjoy your summer berries!