Key West Roosters: Cocky Attitudes Strut the Streets Like Royalty
Key West roosters and chickens run free on the streets of this small island paradise, and act just like royalty. These unofficial mascots of the Conch Republic exhibit royal expectations like right-of-way when crossing the street, food on command, and full access to restaurants and gift shops. They provide lots of quirky behaviors to observe, and seem to appreciate the attention gained from the tourists. Just don’t feed or handle them, it’s against the law!

The “Gypsy Chickens” of Key West!
Why Are There So Many Roosters in Key West?
One might wonder how roosters came to rule the streets of Key West with such aplomb. The answer lies in the island’s history. Back in the 19th century, when Key West was a bustling port town, locals relied heavily on chickens for their eggs and meat.
However, with the advent of modern supermarkets, many chicken farms closed down, releasing their feathered residents into the wild. Over time, these chickens adapted to their newfound freedom, and their descendants roam the streets of Key West to this day.

Don’t feed the chickens, it’s the law!

Key West roosters are FREE RANGE!!
Are Roosters Protected in Key West?
Yes, these charismatic birds enjoy a special status in Key West. In 2004, the city designated them as “protected wildlife.” This means that harming or disturbing them in any way is strictly prohibited. So, next time you encounter a Key West rooster, remember to admire from a respectful distance.

Who Takes Care of the Chickens in Key West?
While Key West roosters and chickens may seem like free spirits, they do have caretakers. The community, along with various local organizations, takes it upon themselves to ensure the well-being of these feathered denizens.
From providing food and water to creating safe nesting spaces, these efforts help maintain a harmonious coexistence between humans and chickens in Key West.
But don’t take it upon yourself to feed them yourself, it’s prohibited! See the City of Key West’s municipal codes, here.
Sec. 10-11. – Keeping fowl, poultry or wildlife.
(a) The city shall not accept or be responsible for the keeping of any nondomesticated fowl or wildlife.
It shall be unlawful for any person to feed, provide food, water, or other forms of sustenance (feeding) to poultry within the city.
*there are exceptions for residents who keep a limited number of chickens inside an enclosure
What are Chickens Called in Key West?

Fun Facts About Roosters and Chickens in Key West
Key West roosters come in a variety of breeds and colors, adding to the island’s vibrant palette.
These feathery residents are not just ornamental; they also serve a practical purpose by keeping the insect population in check.
Don’t be surprised if you hear the crowing of roosters at any hour of the day or night. They’re not bound by conventional notions of time!
Not all Key West’s residents are happy with the roosters and chickens. Lots of residents push to relocate these birds to mainland farms periodically!